Join B Local PDX, Oregon Business for Climate and Clean and Prosperous Washington for the 4th and final of our 4-part series of workshops on policy advocacy.
Session 4 will zero in on bills where your business voice will be most helpful in advancing equitable climate progress in Oregon and Washington. We'll discuss specific and easy opportunities for you to get involved, if you choose, and other opportunities that will come up throughout the legislative session.
Program Overview
Policy Advocacy 101 is designed to satisfy the Collective Action requirement in B Lab's upcoming revised standards. The series will:
Provide context on the importance of policy/advocacy engagement (the WHY) by B Corps and purpose driven businesses on a range of issues, as well as the opposition we face and recent successes through collective action.
Cover the process + typical engagement points (the WHAT) for businesses to weigh in to advance progress on key issues – in both the legislative and regulatory (agencies, commissions) settings, focused on the state level.
Show examples of the approaches and tools useful in these venues (the HOW). Examples will focus on recent work supporting climate-related policies in Oregon and Washington (clean electric grid, building energy efficiency, clean fuels, reducing natural gas emissions, clean cars and trucks, renewable energy, cap and invest program, etc.). This education will cover tools including direct engagement (meetings, testimony), sign-on letters, op-eds, and other approaches.
Sign up interested businesses (the WHO and WHEN) for additional sessions and a closing event that sets them up to engage in Oregon and Washington’s 2025 legislative sessions.