B Local PDX - Individual Membership
Your company isn’t a B Corp (yet)? That’s okay!
Become an individual member of B Local PDX to support this purpose-driven business community. You’ll receive 1 ticket to B Bash, our biggest B Corp party of the year, and 12 tickets to attend the Learning Events that interest you the most!
Your company isn’t a B Corp (yet)? That’s okay!
Become an individual member of B Local PDX to support this purpose-driven business community. You’ll receive 1 ticket to B Bash, our biggest B Corp party of the year, and 12 tickets to attend the Learning Events that interest you the most!
Your company isn’t a B Corp (yet)? That’s okay!
Become an individual member of B Local PDX to support this purpose-driven business community. You’ll receive 1 ticket to B Bash, our biggest B Corp party of the year, and 12 tickets to attend the Learning Events that interest you the most!